Summer Internships

More information

Research Assistant

Research Assistant support the lab and also participate in multiple projects as an active member. To learn more, reach out

Master students

The Lok Chung Lab welcomes master’s students to undertake thesis projects tailored to their academic backgrounds and interests. To learn more, reach out 

Graduate or Medical Students (PhD, MD, MD/PhD)

The Houston Methodist Research Institute is affiliated with various universities, including Texas A&M University, Rice University, and Weill Cornell Medical College. They offer opportunities for laboratory rotations and research under the mentorship of Dr. Chung. Individuals who are interested are encouraged to reach out for more details.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral fellows take on leadership responsibilities in driving projects and encourage applications from candidates interested in diverse fields such as fly genetics, neuroscience, and developmental biology, as well as human genetics. Send your CV, cover letter, and three references here.

If interested, please email or

Chung Lab

Hyung-Lok Chung, Ph.D.

Houston Methodist Research Institute
6670 Bertner Avenue, 11th Floor
Houston, Texas 77030